In my holidays me and my family went to Rainbow End for my cousin Birthday. On
Wednesday the day that my cousin Birthday was on.At 10.Clock we went to my aunt
house and had a Kai we had cakes,Chips,and muffins. Then we went off to rainbows End.
We all had to pay to get in me and my aunt’s went to the bumper cars. When me and my aunt’s went on the bumper car we kept on bumping into each other when it had
finished we went to the Roller coaster.My Heart was pounding as soon as I went on the Roller coaster.I felt like I wanted to get my ticket back but I was brave to go on. I was scared,I felt like I wanted to jump of but we were to high. Then when we went down I said “Oh no”.
Then we all screamed,when we got of me and my aunt went to more fun Activities.