For topic Ms T gave us a solution that our student had to solve and it was that the year 7 and 8 were not respecting our area. Our task that we were given was we had to came up with some furniture that had to go in the street for our senior.We had to use our netbook to research for some furniture that would go into the street.
The first step of the design process is to Identify a need. The problem that was happen in our senior block is not respecting our street. So we had to find a way to respect it. So our teacher said that we had to search for some furniture that was piratical for our street and if it would be suitable for the senior and would they like it.
The second step for our design process was we had to research for some table or ideas for our Design process. Me and my partner Lesley chose tables. We chose table because there were no tables in the street. Me and my partner Lesley are design table for the street. The table that we have creative is a PAC man . We chose this table because in our ear there are no tables and furniture in our street. And cause the student in our class was doing seating like chair, mat and more.
After we have research we had to generate our ideas. Generating ideas is to change some to make it your own ideas. So we had to generate our table to make it our own design. We had to modify tables in four different way. After we had modify our table we had select one to make for our prototype.
This my table that I have done with my partner Lesley. We chooses this table because
it was creative and it was easy to make it out of cardboard. These are some of the design that me and my partner did in our class room.