Last Sunday the year 8 boy went to
Tauranga to play in the Aim rugby competition for rugby. The 8 boy from Pt England school were picked to go and play the Aim games for our school. There were 32 team that were called the 7’s teams. The 7’s boy were there
for 1 week. We were told that they had won all there game and most of them something Neil. Mr Burt shouted over the loud speaker and said “Our 7’s boy had just won all there games and they are now playing in final’s. When we heard that the 7’s boy had won all their games. All the senior were excited and we could hear them from their classes. Room Twenty Two were excited as well and one of our student said loudly “I better charm is getting all the try” and the whole class just started laughing.
Ms Tito our teacher reserved a text message saying the boy are just playing in the final. And this man that came to watch our 7’s boy and his name was Gordon Tietjens . He is the New Zealand Sevens coach and he had been watching most of the year 8 boy's games. He also talked to them and said to defined hard and play your best to be the New Zealand Champions around Auckland. Ms Tito received a message from Ms V the chichi for the 7’s team. The message said” the 7’s boy have just play in the final’s and the won all of the games we were so excited and our boy were that New Zealand Champion of Auckland. After that day Mr Burt said to the school and said "The boy won the final and the bring back the cup".
Ms Tito our teacher reserved a text message saying the boy are just playing in the final. And this man that came to watch our 7’s boy and his name was Gordon Tietjens . He is the New Zealand Sevens coach and he had been watching most of the year 8 boy's games. He also talked to them and said to defined hard and play your best to be the New Zealand Champions around Auckland. Ms Tito received a message from Ms V the chichi for the 7’s team. The message said” the 7’s boy have just play in the final’s and the won all of the games we were so excited and our boy were that New Zealand Champion of Auckland. After that day Mr Burt said to the school and said "The boy won the final and the bring back the cup".
Today the whole school is having a special Assembly for our champion boy. As they walked into the hall door the school cheered for them. They got to sit on the stage. We watch a movie to see what some of our student had to say about our champions. The boy had to say what was their highlight of the game and the best one that I like was when Junior said " The highlight of being their was seeing all the girls and when wining the game". When we heard the part about the girls we all laughed and also his mum laughed.

Hello again Destiny. I would like to send a congratulations from South Alabama on the success of your rugby team!! We are not as familiar with rugby as football, but I share your passion when it comes to sports. Whether its football, soccer, or rugby, sports to me is a really positive way to grow friendships and trust in other people. What an amazing accomplishment to win 12 games and win convincingly in the final to the defending champions. I look forward to some more updates on your school and what you are learning in your classes!!