As I walked throw the door enters of Rainbow End. I was so excited that I forgot to pay. The second week off the holiday me and my Cousin went to Rainbow End. As I got to the door I was so excited that I forgot to pay to get in.
The first ride that me and my Aunt went on was the log flume ride. When we were going throw the tunnel it was exciting because you can see lots of thing like Trees,Insect,and more. When I was coming down the it looked like you were going to flip overboard. But the best part that I liked about the ride was coming down the log getting wet when you are going throw the tunnel where it say Enchanted Forest . When we were going throw the tunnel it was cool because you can see lots of thing like Trees, Insect, and more.
The second ride that me, my Cousin and my Aunt went on was the Roller Coaster. When I went to go and sit on the set. I had the biggest butterflies in my stomach. I was so sacred when we were turning up- side-down because it looked like we were going to drop out. After the ride had finished I jump out and I felt dizzy.
My favorite ride that I liked was the Invader. This is my favorite ride because it is a little bit like the Roller Coaster but it doesn't go up-side-down. My best part about the ride was spinning around and around. After the ride had finished me and my cousin's jump of and we felt dizzy and sick. Because before we went on the ride we had a feed. And one of my cousin nearly vomited.
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