
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Tagata Pasifika

Yesterday room 22 had got picked to be interviewed from same special guest. They were from a T.V program and the show was called Tagata Pasifika.

When the entered our class room Ms V welcome them to our class room. There were three people that came from Tagata Pasifika. There name were called Osone Okesene he is the man that interviewed us. Ted and Chris they were the camera me.

Tagata Pasifika came to our school because they needed something to put on there T.V show. They ask us same question to answer. The question they asked us was 1. What dose Christmas mean to us. I would say about Christmas, i would say Christmas mean coming together as a family and also the food. Also mean celebrating Jesus birthday.

While they were interviewed people same of us. We were making gifts cards. I was
waiting for my turn, but same people that did not want to share could just sit at the back and work.

I was so nerves when they were walking towards me because I had nothing to say to them. But I know that I had to say something quickly. When I turned around they keep on walking to the computer to talk to somebody else. I keep on working and I said in my head “ MAN NOW I CAN’T BE ON T.V.”

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

NetBook Reflection

This year Pt England school was the first school to receive our net book around glen Innes School's. Year 5's to year 8's have been taking our Net Book home for a while. But not all of the senior got to take their net books home at the same time. Room 22 my class and Room 19 was the last class to take their Net Book home out of the year 7's and 8's.

This term Room 22 have been using our net books to do our school work like, Writing, Maths, Reading and other stuff. This is the first year that the year 5's to year 8's had the time to take leaning instead of writing on paper. Last term Room 22 was excited to search by computer and not by dictionary.

The thing that I don't like about net books is that out net books, sometimes when were at home our wireless disconnects and it is really BORING to do nothing at home. Like using my Net Books at school because it take much faster to write then writing in our books.

At home I like using my Net Book because I can do lots of stuff like I can Play games, Homework, Maths Whizz (this is a website that we can practise our Time Table, Pluses, Divide and Take aways. Also I can research same stuff about what we have been learning about like SPACE, CHRISTMAS DAY and more.

Monday, November 14, 2011

In room 22 we are making signs. My sign is going to be about NO LITTERING and DON'T DROP YOUR RUBBISH.There are six steps to this process and I am going to be talking to you about how I can reflecting on my sign. My sign is going to be made out of paper and be laminated and be coloured in pastels and my sign will be stapled to the wall in the street.

What can I add to my sign. I am going to add more detail and make my word clear and also change my shape because my shape is a square .And I want to change the shape to a different shape that id different to other student in my class like Octagon,Crossbuck,Pentagon,Diamond,Rectangle,
Trapezoid and more. I am thinking of using some of these shapes like Trapezoid What can I improve on my sign. I can improve on making it better and so that our students can understand.

Is my sign suitable for where I want it to be? I think that my sign is good where I am going to put it up on the wall so that the student at our school can see it. I am going to put it in the street because in the corner in the street there are lots of rubbish there.

RainBow End

As I walked throw the door enters of Rainbow End. I was so excited that I forgot to pay. The second week off the holiday me and my Cousin went to Rainbow End. As I got to the door I was so excited that I forgot to pay to get in.

The first ride that me and my Aunt went on was the log flume ride. When we were going throw the tunnel it was exciting because you can see lots of thing like Trees,Insect,and more. When I was coming down the it looked like you were going to flip overboard. But the best part that I liked about the ride was coming down the log getting wet when you are going throw the tunnel where it say Enchanted Forest . When we were going throw the tunnel it was cool because you can see lots of thing like Trees, Insect, and more.

The second ride that me, my Cousin and my Aunt went on was the Roller Coaster. When I went to go and sit on the set. I had the biggest butterflies in my stomach. I was so sacred when we were turning up- side-down because it looked like we were going to drop out. After the ride had finished I jump out and I felt dizzy.

My favorite ride that I liked was the Invader. This is my favorite ride because it is a little bit like the Roller Coaster but it doesn't go up-side-down. My best part about the ride was spinning around and around. After the ride had finished me and my cousin's jump of and we felt dizzy and sick. Because before we went on the ride we had a feed. And one of my cousin nearly vomited.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Rap about the planets
Mercury - My
Venus - Vanes
Earth - Either
Mars - Mumps
Jupiter - Jumps
Sataru -Sprint
Uranus - Under
Neptune - NASA
Pluto - Planets

Room 22 was told to make up a rap using the planets.This is a rap that me and my friend made up it's not that good. But I hope that you enjoy it.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

The meaning of Orbit

Room 22 was given a word that was about space. We had to find the meaning of this word. The word that I did was Orbit. This is what I came up with. And I hope that you will learn from this.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Year 8 boy are Champions

Last Sunday the year 8 boy went to
Tauranga to play in the Aim rugby competition for rugby. The 8 boy from Pt England school were picked to go and play the Aim games for our school. There were 32 team that were called the 7’s teams. The 7’s boy were there
for 1 week. We were told that they had won all there game and most of them something Neil. Mr Burt shouted over the loud speaker and said “Our 7’s boy had just won all there games and they are now playing in final’s. When we heard that the 7’s boy had won all their games. All the senior were excited and we could hear them from their classes. Room Twenty Two were excited as well and one of our student said loudly “I better charm is getting all the try” and the whole class just started laughing.

Ms Tito our teacher reserved a text message saying the boy are just playing in the final. And this man that came to watch our 7’s boy and his name was Gordon Tietjens . He is the New Zealand Sevens coach and he had been watching most of the year 8 boy's games. He also talked to them and said to defined hard and play your best to be the New Zealand Champions around Auckland. Ms Tito received a message from Ms V the chichi for the 7’s team. The message said” the 7’s boy have just play in the final’s and the won all of the games we were so excited and our boy were that New Zealand Champion of Auckland. After that day Mr Burt said to the school and said "The boy won the final and the bring back the cup".

Today the whole school is having a special Assembly for our champion boy. As they walked into the hall door the school cheered for them. They got to sit on the stage. We watch a movie to see what some of our student had to say about our champions. The boy had to say what was their highlight of the game and the best one that I like was when Junior said " The highlight of being their was seeing all the girls and when wining the game". When we heard the part about the girls we all laughed and also his mum laughed.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

League Lession


This is my Slide Show of some League drill that we did with a man that plays for the Junior Warror and his name is Sio Suia. I really joyed the lessons and I hope sometime that he would came back to our school.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

M.I Test

Room twenty two have been doing a M.I test. A M.I test is what your good at and what
your weakness are. These are my weakness and my strength are.

My strength is Interpersonal. Interpersonal mean
what I know about other people and that I am
good at building relationships with other people.
My other strength is Intrapersonal. Intrapersonal
mean what I know about myself.

My weakness
My weakness that I need to work on is Logical. Logical mean number smart.
To improve in my Logical I need to learn my timetables.
My other weakness that I need to improve on is word smart.
How I can improve that is to write more effective paragraphs in my writing.
And also to reading more at home and at school.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Team 5 challenge

After lunch time all the year 7 and 8 are going to do same fun Challenger with the year 7 and 8. The year 7 and 8 were doing these activities because the teacher wanted to give the senior a fun day after morning tea. The activity’s that we were doing were sling shot with Ms Tito, ball tiger with Mrs Lagitupu, and a tricky games with Mr Harries, and Mrs Nua was the wet challenge.

The first group that room 22 went to was the sling shot game. Our game was to sling a ball into the hoops that were on the grass. The teacher that was teaching us was Ms Tito and she was also our teacher. The first thing we had to was we had to put seven hoops around the grass. There were 4 blue hoops, 2 red hoops and 1 pink hoop. (If you don't know how to play this game? well it is when two people hold the sling shot and one person gets a ball and places the ball in the middle of the sling shot. You aim the ball to where you want it to go then let go of it. If the ball land on the pink it is wroth 50 point but if the land on the other hoops is wroth 20 points. It was my turn I tried to aim the ball to the pink hoop it nearly went in but it missed. It was Ms Tito turn, we were hoping that she would get it in. "CAME ON GET IT IN THE HOOP" room 22 shouted loudly,She got it in the pink hoop and we had 50 points for us. The other person that got it in was Ben. He had got the ball in the pink hoop in the last 1 minutes after our teacher got it in . So that was 100 point for us.

The second activity that we went to was Mr Harries' group his activity was a bit tricky. We had to get into pear and tier our ankles together. One person had to hold the spoon in their hand and have a tennis ball on top of the spoon. We had to walk as fast as we can to the finished line and back without drooping the ball. If you drop the ball you run back to the start and go again. But if you are the first one back with your partner you and your partner goes into the challenge to verse
the other student in the our senior block.

The next activity we went to was Miss Nua. Her activity was a exacting . We were given intrusion from Miss Nua and they were. We had to get a clothe and put it in the water, then give it to the person at the back of you but we had to go like side,under you leg and do that until the clothe is at the back of the line . The last person that they give it to runs to the empty bucket and seizes it in there. And we do the until that whistles goes. As Miss Nua blows the whistles we all run to the bucket at the back of the line and seizes it. When the whistles has gone Miss Nua looks at the bucket and see how has the most water in. The yellow team had won the first round and the blue team that I was in won the second round. This game that we played was exciting and funny.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Movies - Transformers

Me and my Aunt Ataranig went to Manukau on Friday 15 July 2011. We went to Manukau to go and watch Transformers 3 in 3D. We had to wait for the movies to open. While it was closed we went shopping for some stuff. We went to Jay Jay, shoes shop and other’s that I can’t remember. After we had finished going places we went back to the movies and it was still closed and it was 9.30 o’clock and our movies did’t started still 11.35 pm. So we went back to places and we saw a show I cant remember what is was called but it was a cool show. It was a show that there were four people and one was Singing, the other was Dancing, the third and the fourth person were playing the guitar.

Once the movies had just open we had 20 minuter till Transformers started. So while we were waiting we went to play some games were there are lots of games that you can play. I went to the games where you have to stack up blue block so that you can win. And when all of the block are stack right up the top you get to chooses a item from the mac hing.

My favourite game that I liked was the basketball game. The basketball games is when you have to get all the ball into the heaps and you get a bonus point. If you bonus point goose up to 10 to 20 you get a norther turn. I like the game because I got lots of turn I got like 8 turn.

I was on my second to last turn and the movie was about to start my aunt said to “came on we have to go to watch our movie and get our Ice cream,popcorn,drink and lollies. There was people like standing around me and my aunt when we were playing and these boy said to “me can I have a shout” and I was like “No wait your turn”. So they all went away and I got a another bonus point I was like “when is this going to stop”. So I just left it and went to go and get some food and went in the movie room.

As I sat on the seat the movie had just started. I said to my aunt “great timing aye.”I did’t really like the start because it was all about talking and other stuff. This movie went for about 2 hour. The best part that I really liked was when all the car's were fighting and when the yellow car and his car's were trying to stop the car's that were putting booms in the country.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Russian Presentaion

This Term we are learning about the world cup. The theme is 'Keep your eye on the ball'. And in your class room 22 our teacher Ms T gave us a task. The task that she gave us was we had to get into 2 pairs.We had to chooses a flag that represent one of the country that is up on our board. The flag that me and my partner Awhina chooses was Russia. We had to find out what is the population of Russia , and the Capital city, Ocean, Seas, Countries that are boarder around Russia. We had to find five interesting facts about this country. These are same of the facts that we had found. Russia is the largest country in the world, stretching over an area of 17.1 million square kilometer, Russia is the only country with 12 seas on its territory, There are 100 reserves and 35 national parks in Russia and more.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

My sign refletion

In room 22 we are making signs. My sign is going to be about NO LITTERING and DON'T DROP YOUR RUBBISH.There are six steps to this process and I am going to be talking to you about how I can reflecting on my sign. My sign is going to be made out of paper and be laminated and be coloured in pastels and my sign will be stapled to the wall in the street.

What can I add to my sign. I am going to add more detail and make my word clear and also change my shape because my shape is a square .And I want to change the shape to a different shape that id different to other student in my class like Octagon,Cross buck,Pentagon,Diamond,Rectangle,
Trapezoid and more. I am thinking of using some of these shapes like Trapezoid What can I improve on my sign. I can improve on making it better and so that our students can understand.

Is my sign suitable for where I want it to be? I think that my sign is good where I am going to put it up on the wall so that the student at our school can see it. I am going to put it in the street because in the corner in the street there are lots of rubbish there.

Monday, July 11, 2011

The design process

For topic Ms T gave us a solution that our student had to solve and it was that the year 7 and 8 were not respecting our area. Our task that we were given was we had to came up with some furniture that had to go in the street for our senior.We had to use our netbook to research for some furniture that would go into the street.

The first step of the design process is to Identify a need. The problem that was happen in our senior block is not respecting our street. So we had to find a way to respect it. So our teacher said that we had to search for some furniture that was piratical for our street and if it would be suitable for the senior and would they like it.

The second step for our design process was we had to research for some table or ideas for our Design process. Me and my partner Lesley chose tables. We chose table because there were no tables in the street. Me and my partner Lesley are design table for the street. The table that we have creative is a PAC man . We chose this table because in our ear there are no tables and furniture in our street. And cause the student in our class was doing seating like chair, mat and more.

After we have research we had to generate our ideas. Generating ideas is to change some to make it your own ideas. So we had to generate our table to make it our own design. We had to modify tables in four different way. After we had modify our table we had select one to make for our prototype.

This my table that I have done with my partner Lesley. We chooses this table because
it was creative and it was easy to make it out of cardboard. These are some of the design that me and my partner did in our class room.

Netball lesons with Emma

Last Thursday room 22 went out to the courts to do some netball skills with Emma. Emma is from Auckland netball center. She is the year 7 and 8 netball coach for the first 4 weeks or 5 on Thursday.

The first drills that we did with Emma was dynamic Stretches and they were grapevine, butt-flick and high-Knees. She asked anyone if we know who to do them. Some hand
when up. When we had finished these dynamic stretches I was puffed and existed.After all that Stretching we had a good game of Corner ball.

After all the netball Drills and Stretches we had a little game of netball. But the game that we played was a little different. This is how to play this game is that I person had to go into the circle and the other people that have the ball throw the ball that to the person that is in the circle and if they catch the ball the person that throw the goes in the circle. The game that we played was corner ball we got into 2 group that had to be even. The first team that had the ball was team one. Team two had to defend the ball so they could get the ball and throw it to the person who was in the circle. The person that threw the ball in the circle had to get in the circle and get all their players in the circle to win. Team two (the group that I was in) won "Yeah we won" I said to myself.

Friday, July 8, 2011

League Drills with Soi Suia from the Junior Warror

This is my Slide Show of some League drill that we did with a man that plays for the
Junior Warror and his name is Sio Suia. I really joyed the lessons and I hope sometime that he would came back to our school.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Science RoadShow

On Thursday 9 June room twenty two went down to Tamaki Collage.Before we went down there we had to get into groups. In my group we had Etta,David,Ben,Teari and me Destiny and the leader for our group was Etta. We went there because it was a part of our topic Bigger,Better,Faster,Stronger.

When we came into the door there were some people telling us where to sit and we had to sit on the left side of the hall. There were two people up at the front and they were telling
us about fire,sound,senses they talked about our eyes,Chemicals and there was a chemical and
it was called bubbling liquid and more.

The first thing that they talked about was fire. Jane the lady that was up the front had a lotto ticket in her hand. The lotto ticket that she had was not her it was Paul’s the man that was up the front. The first thing that she did with lotto ticket is she put it in a plate that had water in it. Then she burn it and when she burned it the lotto ticket didn’t go into ashes. Then she put the lotto ticket in a jar that had a type of chemical in it. Then when she palled it out the lotto ticket was dry.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


For the last two weeks the year 7 and 8 have been going down to the Glen Innes pool. During lunch time when we finished our lunch room 18 and 22 go to the pools for swimming lessons our teacher and they are Ms Tito,Miss Dempster,Mrs Nua,Mr Harris and Mrs Lagitupu.Why do we go swimming you may ask well we go there to the pools so we can get better at swimming so if you are lost out in the sea,Emergency and also you could survival and if you are surround by water.

The second week of swimming we had to test how good we were at swimming. We had two teams and the team that I was in was Miss Dempster. When I got into the pool I was cold and had goosebumps. My teacher Miss Dempster told us that we were going to be doing freestyle and backstroke.

I am going to explain how to do freestyle.When you are doing freestyle you have to keep your legs straight and your elbow has to came out first and then your finger drive in the water and then came out and the same of the other arm.

Now I am going to explain about backstroke. Backstroke is a litter bit about freestyle but you are lying on your back and kicking your legs but the still have to be straight. And your arm have to go in a circle. And I want to go back to swimming because swimming is cool and fun.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Netball lesons with Emma

Last Thursday room 22 went out to the courts to do some netball skills with Emma. Emma is from Auckland netball centre and she is the year 7 and 8 netball coach for the first 4 weeks or 5 on Thursday.

The first drills that we did with Emma was dynamic Stretches and they were grapevine, butt-flick and high-Knees. She asked anyone if we know who to do them. Some hand
when up. When we had finished these dynamic stretches I was puffed and existed.After all that Stretching we had a good game of Corner ball.

After all the netball Drills and Stretches we had a little game of netball. But the game that we played was a little different. This is how to play this game is that I person had to go into the circle and the other people that have the ball throw the ball that to the person that is in the circle and if they catch the ball the person that throw the goes in the circle. The game that we played was corner ball we got into 2 group that had to be even. The first team that had the ball was team one. Team two had to defend the ball so they could get the ball and throw it to the person who was in the circle. The person that threw the ball in the circle had to get in the circle and get all their players in the circle to win. Team two (the group that I was in) won "Yeah we won" I said to myself.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Taonga Time Art

Every Friday afternoon the year 7 and 8s go out of there classes.We go out of our class to go to Taonga Time. For Taonga time We have 5 group with different teachers. And the groups are Sports with Mrs Nua,Kapa Haka with Ms Tito,Science with Mr Harris, Music with Mr J and Art with Ms Lagitupu. The group that I go to is Art and my wonderful teacher is Ms Lagitupu. Taonga time mean treasure Maori.

In Taonga time we do lots of activity's. In my Taonga class we are learning to draw some different patten like Building and car but not the car that we drive. Car that we can draw Creatively. Like you can draw a car with an onions on the top and the other parts down the bottom. In our class we are looking at some artists. The artist that we are looking at is Friedensreich Hundertwasser. He is a artists that does’t like straight line. He said that it is not good for your health.These are the picture that I liked.

Theses are some of his art's that I found. And this is his photo of him.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Term 1 Reflection

One of the thing that I was pleased about last term is my Art work
.In my Report I was given 12/12 and acquired Excellent for
my work Habits,behaviour and academic progress.
I feel proud of myself.

What I need to improve on is my writing. When I obtained my report from
my teacher.I looked at my writing and I had Below Expedition
for my work Habits, behaviour and academic progress.
And I need to work be at level 3.

My term went well but I think that I still need to improve
on listening and not talking to other people.
I really need to get my tasks done on time.

These are my
DLO results:

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My Sentences

The damaged buildings have been destroy by an enormous Earthquake.

People standing in the middle of the road crying and thinking what a dangerous thing that was going to happen.

Cracks in the middle of the road damaged house and nervously people standing there watching.What next would happen to them.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Room 22's Favourite Sports

For maths we are learning about Statistics. Statistics is finding thing out room 22 had to do a survey in our class. Our
Class did a survey on what our Favourite Sports,food,and Teacher they liked. We had to do a Column Chart and the most Popular sports was Rugby and Touch and. And the least votes was Swimming and then we had to post it on our blog.

Monday, February 14, 2011

All about Me

Hello My name is Destiny Ngawaka and I go to Pt England school in Auckland N.Z. I am 12 year old and I am a year8 Pt England school. In my Family I have 2 brother and 1 sister and my mum and step Dad I live on Rowena Street in G.I. I am in room 22 and my wonderful Teacher is Ms Tito she is a cool teacher and she is funny. I like to play outside with my Friends. My Favourite subject at school is Art I like to Draw in my time at home and I like to play sports with my family like Family games and netball. I am looking forward to this year.